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Hebei Zhanyu Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd.
Kodu » Uudised » The 4th Sports Meeting of Zhanyu Company

The 4th Sports Meeting of Zhanyu Company

In order to enrich the amateur cultural life of the company’s employees, enhance the physical fitness of the employees, strengthen the communication within the company, enhance the cohesion of the company, and stimulate the enthusiasm of the employees, the fourth sports meeting of Zhanyu Companytable tennis competition is held.

It’s time for Zhanyu’s table tennis masters to show off their skills!
Preliminary Round (Knockout Round):
There are 16 boys participating in 8 groups of competitions, and 8 people won.
12 female contestants, 6 groups of competitions, 6 winners

You come and I go, not giving in to each other
The exciting duel is more about perseverance than skill
Players wave their rackets heartily
The sportsmanship of tenacious struggle, unity and cooperation
to the fullest

Semi-finals (best of 3):
There are 8 male participants, 8 people will compete in 4 groups, and 4 people will win.
There are 6 female contestants, 3 groups of competitions, 3 winners.

Penhold grip, horizontal grip, curve ball, spin ball and other wonderful skills were demonstrated on the field. The players fought hard, the audience was in high spirits, applauded and applauded continuously, which demonstrated the unique charm of table tennis. With the call of passion, we ushered in the final!

Finals (Best of Three Round Robin):
There are 4 male contestants, and the champion, runner-up and third runner-up will be determined.

The scene is full of excitement and climaxes
A sound ofstrike

The holding of this table tennis competition provides a platform for employees to communicate, exchange, participate and make progress together. Tulevikus, Zhanyu Company will continue to carry out rich and colorful cultural activities to create a good atmosphere for happy work and healthy life.

Hebei Zhanyu elektromehaanilise tehnoloogia Co., Ltd. asub Dongmingyang Village Industrial Zone'is, Yongniani piirkond, Handani linn, Hebei provints. Ettevõtte pindala on üle 32600 ruutmeetrit, registreeritud kapitaliga 35 miljonit jüaani ja rohkem kui 540 töötajad. Ettevõtte peamised tooted: poldid, pähklid, ankrud, isepuurivad kruvid, kuivseina kruvid, seismiline tugi, maa-alune tehnotunneli tugi, C-kanaliga teras, sulg, keermestatud varras ja muud kinnitusdetailid.
Ettevõttel on aastatepikkune kinnitusdetailide valmistamise ja müügi kogemus, on täielik tootesari, täiustatud kvaliteedikontrolli tehnoloogia, range kvaliteedikontrolli süsteem, professionaalne tehnikainseneride meeskond, kontrollida toodete kvaliteeti kõigil tasanditel, on läbinud ISO kvaliteedisüsteemi sertifikaadi. Ettevõtte tehnoloogia ja seadmed muutuvad iga päevaga, ja tootmismaht laieneb järk-järgult. Nüüd on see arenenud multifunktsionaalseks terviklikuks ettevõtteks, mis ühendab mehaanilise töötlemise arendamise ja tootmise, ehitusdetailid, autoosad, jõuosad ja rahvusvahelised standardosad. Üha rohkem tooteid eksporditakse erinevatele turgudele kodu- ja välismaal.